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SafeDeposits visits Scottish SPCA following Community Fund award

Members of the SafeDeposits Scotland team visited the Scottish SPCA Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre in Glasgow on 3rd September, to see first hand how a grant awarded by the SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund is supporting the charity.

Earlier this year, the Scottish SPCA was awarded a £2,800 grant to support their Pet Aid veterinary service with kit bag supplies equipping their community veterinary team to keep people and pets together.

The new service, which launched this year, has seen the charity recruit a dedicated Community Veterinary Nurse (CVN) and Community Veterinary Surgeon who conduct home visits for animals needing veterinary care from referrals from Scottish SPCA inspectors. This service is currently being piloted in the West of Scotland.

Cheryl Reid, Trusts Manager, said: "We are delighted to receive this funding from SafeDeposits Scotland. Through our Pet Aid veterinary service, this funding will enable more animals to stay with their owners who may otherwise be forced to be admitted into the Society's care.

"We know from the work our frontline teams are doing in communities across Scotland that the cost-of-living crisis means people have less income to spend on pet food, vet bills or pet insurance. This can lead to situations where people feel forced into giving up their pet or even, in the worst case scenario, consider abandoning them.

"This award will allow us to support delivery of the Pet Aid veterinary service and help us respond to issues in communities where the need is greatest.

"Our kit bags will include the necessary items our team require to carry out basic healthcare procedures including flea, tick and worming treatments, treatment for ear mites, dental treatments, microchipping equipment and grooming management e.g. matted coat and nail clipping."

Alan Partridge, Marketing Manager at SafeDeposits Scotland, said: "We are pleased to be supporting this new, community focused initiative from the Scottish SPCA by awarding funds that will provide kit bag supplies to help pets and their owners in need."

As well as the Pet Aid Veterinary pilot scheme, the Scottish SPCA Pet Aid service currently provides pet food to 71 food banks across 18 local authorities. A full list of food banks where Pet Aid is available can be found on the charity's website here:

Anyone struggling to care for their pet can call the Scottish SPCA's animal helpline in strict confidence on 03000 999 999 for help and advice.

SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund | SafeDeposits Scotland
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