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New national landlord survey in Scotland to shape policy and practice

The SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust has commissioned a national survey to capture landlords' views and experiences in Scotland's private rented sector. This research will provide valuable insights into the sector, contributing to future policy making and debate.

Why this research is important

Over the past decade, the Scottish Government has implemented significant changes to the private rented sector, with more to come.

In March 2024, the Housing (Scotland) Bill was introduced to Parliament, aiming to strike 'a fair balance between protection for tenants and the rights of landlords.' Proposed changes could affect key areas of landlord businesses, like rent controls, eviction processes, rules on pet ownership and tenant modifications to properties.

However, data on landlords' experiences and perspectives remains limited. Gathering this information is crucial to understanding the real-world impact of these legislative changes. Your participation will not only help paint a clearer picture of the sector but also ensure that the voices of landlords are heard in shaping Scotland's housing policies.

What the research will cover

Landlord characteristics: The private rented sector in Scotland is diverse, with landlords coming from various backgrounds. Understanding this diversity is essential to grasp how different types of landlords are affected by, and respond to, regulatory changes. By capturing these insights, we can identify what support landlords may need to navigate the evolving landscape.

Satisfaction and challenges: What's working well, and where are the pain points? The survey delves into landlords' experiences, from maintenance and repairs to broader challenges in the sector. It also captures their views on past and upcoming regulatory changes, providing crucial insights into how these impact their portfolios and operations.

Property management: Different landlords take different approaches to managing their properties. By exploring factors like rent-setting, tenant selection, letting agent use and inspections, the survey will shed light on landlord decision-making. These insights are vital for understanding how landlords respond to market pressures and regulation.

Portfolio changes: The shortage of privately rented homes, and homes in general, is one of the sector's most pressing challenges. By understanding landlords' future plans, including whether they intend to expand, maintain or reduce their portfolios, we can gain a clearer picture of the housing supply landscape and how this might shift in response to regulatory changes.

Further details

This project is managed by the TDS Policy and Research Team with data sampling, collection and analysis conducted by the external research company Insight Advantage. We are grateful to the Scottish Government and key stakeholders for their input into the survey design. To ensure we capture evolving trends, the survey will be conducted annually. Rest assured, all responses are anonymous.

To take part in the survey CLICK HERE

More information

The SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust is a charity designed to promote education, training and best practice in Scotland's private rented sector.

Landlord deposit protection scheme Scotland | SafeDeposits Scotland
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