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< Back Key Matters Issue 15 July 2024

Key Matters magazine issue 15 - July 2024

The summer edition of our quarterly Key Matters magazine is out now and is chock-full of information on what SafeDeposits Scotland has been up to over the past few months. Click here to download this issue of Key Matters, which includes:

SafeDeposits at a glance

A look back at the last financial year for SafeDeposits Scotland, including how deposit protection with the largest of the three approved tenancy deposit schemes in Scotland looked at the end of the year. Additionally, we take a look at our customer service statistics for the year and recognise some of our team members for the positive reviews they received.

Have you heard?

What's happening with SafeDeposits Scotland and the Private Rented Sector? We talk about the recent Housing (Scotland) Bill introduced to the Scottish Parliament for scrutiny and its potential impact on tenancy deposit schemes in Scotland, including changes to the handling of unclaimed deposits.

We also share an update on two landlord forums held in Inverurie in June in partnership with Aberdeenshire Council.

Introducing tlyfe

We are pleased to be partnering with tlyfe - the rent-ready solution revolutionising the lettings market! Having launched in England and Wales in September last year, this intuitive app for tenants is now available to the Scottish rental market and is sure to make a splash. Find out everything you need to know about the rapidly growing tenant lifecycle app and its purposes and functions.

2023-24 - the year in ADR

For an overview of the last year in ADR at SafeDeposits Scotland look no further, as our Resolution Manager David Morgan shares the trends in ADR from the last financial year. David talks in detail about statistics from the year, including average dispute claims and how award splits looked throughout the year. This includes an overview of each of the heads of claim and which was most common, as well as ADR trends across the country.

Guest feature: Citylets

This issue includes a guest feature from Citylets as they provide an overview of the market over the first quarter of 2024, taking a look at the bigger picture of Scotland's private rented sector.

SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust

Providing the latest updates on the SafeDeposits Scotland Charitable Trust, as we welcome Claire Mullen as the new Chair of the Trust. Additionally, we provide an update on the latest grants awarded.

Spotlight on... East Lothian

Each issue of Key Matters we take a trip to an area in Scotland, and in this issue we visit East Lothian! We provide some facts about the area as well as some deposit statistics including average deposit held by SafeDeposits Scotland and what the most common disputes in the area are. Also included is a snippet on an East Lothian project which was recently awarded a grant by the SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund.

Calendar of events

An overview of some upcoming events within the private rented sector over the coming months.

SafeDeposits Scotland is a government approved scheme that protects deposits in Scotland, and is the biggest of the three approved tenancy deposit schemes in Scotland. We hold the deposit during the tenancy and return to the tenant at the end of the tenancy when the landlord or letting agent has agreed to repayment. We also provide an impartial adjudication service for tenants and landlords if they can't come to an agreement. Find out more about SafeDeposits Scotland and what we do.

Tenancy deposit schemes in Scotland - SafeDeposits Scotland
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